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Today I want to talk to you about the #1 Factor that influences your metabolism.

Do you know what it is?

I'll tell you what it's not...

*It's not cardio
*It's not strength training
*And it's not your genetics

I won't lie to you and say that these areas don't play a factor in your metabolic health because they absolutely do.

What I will tell you however is that they are just part of the process and some of the key components to your fat burning success.

So What's The #1 Factor That Influences My Metabolism?

The #1 Factor that influences your metabolism is nutrition, specifically "nutrient timing".

Nutrient timing simply refers to the type of nutrients that you consume combined with the specific times that you consume them at.

Right now the average person (maybe even you, I know I used too!) currently only eats 2-3 meals a day.

When it comes to metabolic health, this is a big problem.


It's simple - your body only remembers the last time you ate.

When you eat 2 meals a day (generally lunch and dinner) there is a huge gap between the time you ate dinner and the next time you eat lunch (sometimes 12-15 hours or more) and when this happens your body goes into "starvation mode" which causes you to store your calories as unwanted body fat.

So How Can I Fix This?

The way you can make your metabolism work for you is to simply eat more frequently.

Instead of eating 2-3x a day with your meals spaced out at odd intervals, take the same amount of calories you will normally eat and space them out between 5 meals that you will consume every 2-3 hours apart.

Obviously you cant just eat 5 meals of anything you want.

You must consume the right amount of macronutrients (carbs, proteins, and fats) over the course of those 5 meals so that you're allowing your metabolism to work for you instead of against you.

Here's The Best Part...

When you begin to eat for your metabolism the way that I'm sharing with you today you don't have to completely deprive yourself of your favourite foods, even pizza.

But not every day obviously...

One cheat meal a week is all you get, So make it count, let loose, and have some fun!

...And if you're still not sure what to eat, then I highly suggest that you become a part of the team and join one of my programs, because I will show you exactly what to eat, exactly when to eat it, and I'll develop a nutrition plan that's organized in a way that works for you and works for your specific body type.

This way you can still have fun and get the results you're looking for!