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Once you have worked out your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) its a good idea to set a loose protein target (I do not recommend trying to be too strict to your targets here or tracking your food forever but its definitely beneficial for everyone to try at some point)

I recommend starting with the following guidelines:


▪️At least 0.7 x body weight in pounds or 1.6 x body weight in kilograms, ( 2019 study has shown no increased capacity for muscle gain over these targets)

▪️ Example: If you are 78kg you would require at least 125g protein per day for progression (78 x 1.6 = 125).


▪️Your daily fat and carbohydrate intake does not need to be a specific target. As long as you are within your calorie target and reaching your protein target you will be progressing. Fat can be high and carbs could be low, visa versa depending on your preferences.

▪️ Adequate fat intake is important to: regulate hormones, slow digestion, transportation of vitamins, protect internal organs and your immune system etc.

▪️ Protein and fat are essential and needed by the human body. Carbs are not essential, however carbohydrates are your bodies primary source of energy, and you will feel more energetic for your workouts with adequate carbohydrate intake. Carbohydrates are also beneficial for fat burning hormones such as your leptin and T3 hormones.

The values from the calculations will be an estimate. A good starting point for sure but you will need to monitor your weight closely and make adjustments where necessary week by week until you find the sweet spot for you in terms of calorie intake and macro split, experimentation is key!

Hope all makes sense, feel free to ask me if you’re unsure on anything 🙏