
Not completely fitness related but something I highly recommend doing for anyone who wants to be more productive. Simply decide on 3 tasks that if completed would make everything else easier or irrelevant.


1️⃣ Stops you feeling overwhelmed with tasks you need to complete in your life by focusing on just 3.

2️⃣ Allows you to focus on the tasks that you really must/should do that are truly important and not just the tasks you could do. This is vital for actually processing towards your goals and not just being busy for the sake of it.

3️⃣ There is also specific value in doing this before bed using pen and paper. A way of getting your tasks out of your head so you don't have to stress about them overnight. There is research that suggests that you can actually problem solve as you sleep and will wake up with more readiness to tackle the tasks at hand when you have been thinking about them just before bed. vice versa going to bed in a negative headspace will meant you most likely wake up in one.

If things come up in the day that get in the way of your three tasks then don't worry, just move the tasks to the next day. Some days if your mental drive is low you may want to set yourself some easy manageable tasks, like cooking for example.

All the best to anyone stuck in a rut or going through difficult times! Please reach out if you are struggling mentally.